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2024 Social Science Research Council Opportunities for African Researchers

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Africa Online & Publications Library

African Peacebuilding Network Opportunities


APN Individual Research Fellowship (IRF)

Deadline: February 11, 2024


The APN IRF award supports up to six months of field-based research that contributes to knowledge production and policies shaping peacebuilding in Africa. Fellowship awards are up to $15,000.





APN Collaborative Working Group Research Fellowship (CWG)

Deadline: February 11, 2024


The CWG award supports teams of African academics, and researchers led by a full professor based at African universities to assemble and lead collaborative research projects intended to inform policy and …




Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa Opportunities


Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship

Deadline: February 11, 2024


The award is for doctoral students to take a one-year leave to focus on data analysis and scholarly writing tocomplete their doctoral dissertations and meet their degree requirements. Fellowship awards are up to $10,000.





Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Fellowship

Deadline: February 11, 2024


The award is for doctoral students developing their dissertation proposal, supporting costs related to pre-field worksurveys, literature review, and dissertation proposal writing over three months. Fellowship awards are up to $3,000.





Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship

Deadline: February 11, 2024


The award supports doctoral students carrying out fieldwork, collecting and analyzing data, and working on their literature review and dissertation writing. Fellowship awards are up to $15,000.
