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Verbs to avoid in thesis/research paper writing

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31 Aug
Ngenge Ransom Tanyu

Avoid using INVESTIGATE when writing your thesis/research paper.

I have also used it before. I wouldn't say it wrong but I would say it is out of context.

As argued by my M.A. thesis supervisor, researchers do not INVESTIGATE.

Those who investigate are police officers, detectives, private military operatives etc.

Researchers do the following:

1. To show analysis: analyse, appraise, define, diagnose, explore, identify, observe etc.

2. To summarise: assess, conclude, feature, highlight etc.

3. To indicate control (to be stable or to maintain at a level): constrain, control, govern, influence, inhibit, limit, maintain, prohibit, regulate, secure etc.

To discuss findings: attest, confirm, contend, demonstrate,document, indicate, reveal.

The list goes on.

Take note when writing your thesis or research paper for journal publication.