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Writing your abstract

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30 Aug
Ngenge Ransom Tanyu

An abstract is one of the most important parts of a research paper. 

It captures what your research paper is all about and would probably determine reader interest.

It suffices to say that a poorly-written abstract implies a poorly-written research paper.

How do you then write a good abstract?

The simple approach would be the overall research strategy. Africa Online & Publications Library recommends 200 to 300 words for an abstract.

Start your abstract with an opening statement highlighting the main problem you want to address in your research paper.

State the primary objective of your research paper in your next sentence.

Next would be your main research question and hypothesis if any.

Briefly describe your research design and methodology: research methods encompassing your data collection procedures, research participants, method of data analysis, ethical considerations etc.

Summarise your key findings and explain what they mean (discussion). You can also write a central limitation of your research.

Write your concluding statement, value and originality as well as the outlook of your research.