This paper focuses on analyzing life in Mbum communities in the Mambilla Plateau of Taraba State1 in Nigeria particularly in the towns of Gembu, Nguroje, Maisamari, Jalingo, Kakara, Furmi, Yerrmaru and Mayo Ndaga. In spite of their background of ethnic disintegration at home (in the Nkambe Plateau of Cameroon), the Mbum in the Mambilla Plateau, Taraba State, Nigeria, have forged a strong sense of ethnic integration and constituted themselves into a unit. With the aid of a wide range of source materials including written, oral and field observations, the paper launches an inquest into integration among the Mbum in the Mambilla Plateau. It submits that a number of factors conspired to knit the Mbum in the Mambilla Plateau into an ethnic bond and this significantly influenced their interactions.